Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blind Man's Bluff by Sherry Sontag and Chris Drew

Great book of cold war submarine war stories. Decribes the underwater collisions, the tapping of Soviet underseas cables, the Glomar Explorer, the trailing of Soviet missile subs. Reads like "Hunt for Red October" but these stories are true. At least as true as sea stories told years afterward can be. Describes a political tug of war between the Navy and CIA for control of submarine secret operations. CIA finally won, and then had so much fun showing the "take" from submarine operations around Washington ("Look how clever we are") that secrecy was compromised. Seymour Hersh broke the story of salvaging a Soviet sub on the front page of the New York Times, largely based on CIA leaks. The book points out how big a PITA Seymour Hersh has been and for how long. Good old Seymour has been doing uncomplimentary stories about the United States since Viet Nam days. He is still at it, writing in the New Yorker Magazine (rather than the NYT), with down beat stories from Iraq.

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