Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Conservatives Thirst for Death

Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and some right wing bloggers are trashing McCain for "not being conservative enough", what ever that means. Too bad. McCain is the most electable Republican out there. Better McCain and campaign financing than either democrat and US tax payer funded health care.
McCain will win the Iraq war, the democrats will turn Iraq over to Al Quada. Sensible Republicans will go with a winner rather then turn the presidency over to the democrats.
Politics is not about "ideological purity". Politics is "Let's make a deal". A deal means each side gets some of what they want. A well crafted deal will stick 'cause each side gets enough to keep 'em happy. The skillful politician can expect "his" side to trash him for "compromising our principles" and "back room deals" after cutting the deal.
McCain has cut a few deals in the past that I don't really like, but he is still the most electable Republican, and I'll put up with the deals I didn't like rather than give the White House to the democrats.
The "conservatives" who don't want McCain to win the nomination have a death wish.

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