Saturday, September 1, 2012

Do Conventions still matter?

Well, not like they did back in the New Stone Age.  Back before primary elections, the conventions actually chose the party candidates.  That doesn't happen anymore, the primaries do that now.  But we still do conventions.  Pollster Scott Rasmussen thinks conventions are passe. 
  I differ.  The conventions are now pep rally and TV event.  But lotta people watch them.  I watched the RNC, two nights out of three.  Mostly to see with my own eyes how well (or poorly) various speakers do. 
   I am not alone.  I went to an Ovide Lamontagne event on Friday. Everybody attending had watched the RNC.  Granted the people there were all Republicans and all politically active, but still, the Romney people had them watching, and attitudes had been effected.  Not too shabby for a media event. 

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