Saturday, December 1, 2012

Email ought to be as private as Snail Mail

Law enforcement, (and anyone else) should be required to get a warrant signed by a real judge in order to tap your email.  Or read old email left on  servers.  Email carriers should be forbidden to keep copies of email on their computers, and be required to erase records of transmission from sender to recipient as soon as the email  is delivered. 
  Investigations should be limited to emails sent AFTER the investigation begins and the warrant obtained, investigators should not be allowed to  read every email a subject sent since he grew old enough to type. 
   And even if this is made into law, the wise citizen will suspect cheating and never write anything incriminating in email.  Or facebook, or anywhere else. 
   This would be a good issue for the Republicans.  I mean who is in favor of cops snooping thru their email?
   Law enforcement will be agin it, but they always are.  Tapping email and phones with a warrant is enough, they will just have to make do. They don't need to troll thru every email the suspect ever sent.

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