Tuesday, January 9, 2018

"bloody nose" versus "regime change" strike on NORKs

We are hearing talk today, in the Wall St Journal, and PBS, and the other TV newsies about taking the military option with the NORKs.  A "bloody nose" strike, which would do some damage, perhaps take out a missile site, or shoot down a missile after launch, or something,  but the NORKs would recognize that it was just a  minor slap in the face rather than the opening moves in a total war to wipe them out.    Dicey.  Lets think about Little Rocket Man, in his secret headquarters, watching on radar the warplanes crossing his borders, violating his airspace, headed for important installations.  What's Rocket Man gonna think?  If he thinks the Yankees are coming to hang his ass, he will probably order an all out strike on the South right then and there. 
   Let's think about something else in the military line.  How about a regime change strike?   We just put a smart bomb thru Little Rocket Man's bedroom window.  Boom. Instant regime change.   Do it right, a single stealth aircraft, after dark, flying low, and the NORKs won't know what we are doing to them until it's too late.  For good measure we could hit secret police headquarters and army headquarters at the same time.
With Little Rocket Man turned into dog food, it will take 'em a few days to settle things out and give orders to attack the south.  And the new regime might be ready to listen to reason and negotiate rather than start up the Korean war again.      

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