Saturday, January 20, 2018

Looks like the Congresscritters blew it.

They  were unable to pass a budget or a continuing resolution to fund the Federal government.  Republicans and Democrats are on the tube, blaming each other for the shutdown.  Neither side is explaining what great issue is being served by this impasse.  They probably don't know themselves.  After all they are Congresscritters, none too bright.  The MSM is busy blaming the Republicans, as usual.  We shall see if any voters believe the MSM any more. 
   I suppose the shutdown will continue until the pain becomes too acute and Congresscritters agree to fund the government again.  The pain is largely felt by servicemen who won't get paid.  And snivel servants declared "non-essential" who don't get paid either.  I feel for the servicemen, they don't get paid much and just paying the bills each month is tough.  I don't care that much for the snivel servants, they can go out and find honest jobs in the private sector.
   As far as I am concerned, the Post Office will continue to deliver my mail and my Wall St Journal, and my Social Security electronic funds transfer (checks are obsolete) will continue to happen.  At least that's what they are saying on TV.  I am not entitled to an income tax refund, so the IRS can stay laid off forever far as I am concerned. 
   I hear that the Congresscritters will continue to get paid, which is a scandal, they ought to be the first to have their pay stopped. 

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