Friday, May 8, 2020

Cops and Courts should handle Campus Sexual Harrassment

Betsy DeVos, Trump's education secretary , has just released new federal guidance to the nation's colleges and universities.  Hence forth they have to allow accused students a little bit of due process before expelling them.  Good first step.  BUT...
Rape is a serious crime.  Used to be a death penalty offense.  We have backed off on the death penalty, but it is still a serious crime.  I don't like students getting judged by a bunch of college admins for serious offenses like rape.  That's what we have police and courts for.  And American courts are pretty good on due process, far more so than lefty college admins.  When someone complains to the college of campus rape or sexual harassment, the college should offer her (or him) a ride to the police station, and a ride back.

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