Wednesday, May 27, 2020

FISA court takes Flak

As well it should.  FISA is a pure rubber stamp.  Every single time the intelligence agencies (CIA, FBI and the rest of 'em) want a warrant to snoop anyone, US citizen or Russian diplomat, they go to the FISA court which OK's every snooping request.  So when the FBI wanted to snoop the Trump campaign in 2016, the FISA court rubber stamped the request.  Which is wrong.  FISA allowed a partisan FBI to interfere in a political campaign, which should never happen.  The House passed a FISA funding bill a few months ago.  The Senate was thinking about it bu Trump tweeted this evening that he would veto the bill.  Good for the Donald.  We ought to shut the FISA court scam down for good.
If the intelligence agencies want a warrant to snoop, they can go to a  real court, the kind that meets 5 days a week and tries cases every day.

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