Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Lame Duck

 As soon as Biden announces that he is not running in 2024, he becomes a lame duck.  Many (most?) politicians figure that a fellow pol who won't be around in power very long doesn't need my political support.  Such a pol is called a lame duck and looses much of his ability to influence people and events.  So Biden won't say he won't run in 2024 until the very last minute, convention time in 2024.  Biden's statements that he will run in 2024 might be real but probably aren't.  

I assume the heavy duty democrats are feeling around quietly for someone to run in 2024.  Kamala Harris does not look good.  Biden doesn't look good.  Pelosi and Schumer are too old, not not very presidential.  I cannot think of a democrat state governor who is any good.  Who is left??

For the Republicans, Trump is there.  If his health holds up and he wants the nomination it is probably his for the asking.  If he decides not to run, we have Ted Cruz, Desantos. and Marko Rubio and probably more.

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