Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Who should a political representative answer to??

 There are two legitimate choices and a bunch of illegitimate choices, with the illegitimate choices shading over into crime.  The first legitimate choice is his/her district, the voters who elected him/her.  (Note: I need some unisex pronouns for use in cases where I don’t know the sex of the person I am writing about) The second legitimate choice is the political party, democrat or republican in the American case.  After the representative gets to Congress he/she will feel great pressure from the other representatives to vote to support the party every time.   Senator Joe Manchin (R West Virginia) was subject to this strain last week.  The party wanted him to vote for Biden’s “Build Back Badder” bill, a $2 to $4 trillion collection of freebies and  pork.  Senator Manchin’s district did not want “Build Back Badder” they felt (correctly) that it would increase inflation and raise their cost of living.  Senator Manchin, to his credit, voted for his district, and has been heavily dumped on by the democrat party for not supporting them.   

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