Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It ain't the Hispanic vote that Republicans need

Not like they need the woman's vote. 
Romney lost the woman's vote by 10%.  Women are 50% of the voters.  He lost the Hispanic vote by a bigger percentage, but there are a lot fewer Hispanics than there are woman.  Yet the newsies are forever yakking about the importance of the Hispanic vote, they never talk about the woman's vote, or woman's issues.  In Romney's case, if he had cut Obama's margin among women down to 5%  from 10% he'd be president right now. 
    Aside from coverage of Democrats decrying a "war on women"   I don't hear much about woman's issues.  There was that "Julia" ad explaining how much free stuff the Obama administration is giving away.  That got roundly mocked in the blogosphere.  There was the female George Mason student (name escapes me now) that cried out for free contraceptives.  And now we have the push to defund Planned Parenthood over the fetal organ selling scandal. 
   How do women feel about all this?  I haven't seen any polling.  I'm a guy, and I'm old enough and wise enough to understand the women don't see things the way men do.  And that unless I ask the women, I don't know nothing.  Was I running for president I would do what ever it takes to get the women to vote for me.  It's just I don't really know what that might be.  We have done a lot of evening out in the labor market, in college, and employment and promotion.  I don't see that there is much more that can be done in those areas.
  How do women feel about abortion? Are they for it, agin it, or split 50-50?  Used to be they were split.  Is this still true?  Defunding Planned Parenthood is an anti abortion move.  Will it gain women's votes?  Or loose them?
   Where do Republicans stand on paid maternity leave?  Some companies have it, dunno how many.  Is this an election winning issue?  Obamacare promises to pay for contraceptives, should we support this as we talk about scrapping Obamacare?
    What other issues matter to women?

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