Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dallas was horrible.

Five dead police officers, seven or eight more wounded. In a totally unprovoked ambush. My sincerest sympathy to the victims and their families.  According to the TV newsies, the shooter, a US Army veteran who served in Iraq,  had no indications of craziness before opening fire Thursday night.  That's scary.  It shows the bonds that hold our society together are failing. 
   The bonds go way back, to childhood.  Sunday school teaches the Ten Commandments, and "Thou shalt not kill." is easily understood even by five year olds.  Movies and TV shows depict police as good guys, and those that shoot at them as bad guys.  Nobody wants to think of himself as a bad guy.  Parents and teachers constantly keep on kids about fighting, with siblings and classmates.  This training was so effective that in WWII, General SLA Marshall noted that a large number of American soldiers were reluctant/unable to shoot the enemy.  Apparently this shooter was not so inhibited.  How many more like him have we raised up?

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