Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Supremes pretend to practice law.

Actually they are mere indulging in their private political prejudices.  Law is a body of rules,  written down.  Moses showed the way.  Just ten commandments, chiseled into stone tablets by the hand of God.  And law is limited.  Ten was the starting number.  We have a lot more now.  but if it isn't written down, it isn't law.
   Judges are supposed to know the law, and apply it to the specific case before them.  And there is always room for interpretation.  Even "Thou shalt not kill" (from KJV) has been interpreted to read "Thou shalt not commit murder." a much narrower reading.  It's up to judges to look at the law, look at the facts of the case, and render a judgement, using pure reasoning. 
   When this is happening, a majority of judges (or for that matter a majority of reasonable men) will come to the same judgement in the same case.  That is, if they are looking at the law, and reasoning from the facts of the case.  If they are judging from personal prejudices, anything can happen.
   Since the unfortunate death of Justice Scalia, it has become clear that he eight survivors on the court are judging from personal prejudice rather than from the law.  Hence the number of four to four ties.  How the eight top lawyers in America can fail to come to a majority opinion is a scandal.  These clowns aren't practicing law, they are setting themselves up as kings. 

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