Thursday, July 7, 2016

The lights are going out, all over New Hampshire

The greenies, working thru the public utility commission, have bulldozed the local power company into closing their three remaining coal fired power plants.  One of them, was forced to install a $450 million scrubber back in 2009.  Part of the deal is that the power company can bill rate payers for the $450 million outstanding debt.  For the next ten years.  On top of the "Stranded Cost Recovery" charge they put on the bill for the Seabrook nuclear plant.  
    The power company is hoping to replace the lost generation capacity with hydro power from Quebec, to come over the yet to be built Northern Pass power line.  Which the greenies are fighting to stop. 
   The greenies managed to shut down the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant last year. 
   I ought to go out and buy a Honda generator set to get thru this next winter. 

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